For apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy
For apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

for apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

You’ll always have a job to do within your squad. A good, hard-earned victory requires a good hardened team- so jump in as the squad leader, the medic, or maybe the radioman. Large battles and historical locationsAll campaigns take place in large open-world maps that are reproductions of the real locations of historical battles, with the plans and layout of the battles faithful to events that have historically occurred. The player will be rewarded not for his kills obtained, but for his strategic prowess and survival skills on the field.

for apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

Around the player will be a fury of explosions, gunfire, devastation, orders, and yells from those around them.

for apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy

We want the player to feel a hint of the real emotions, thoughts, and sense of adrenaline rush of the battlefield. Usually, the new features we introduce come from suggestions that users can give on the Discord server here.įor information about future content that will be added, check out the Easy Red 2 roadmap here: Simulation and ImmersivityThat’s what we want for Easy Red 2. We want to keep this practice up and deliver new features very often such as new weapons, uniforms, vehicles, factions, game modes, and more. In the Pacific, you will go to Kwajalein- the Japanese-occupied island invaded by the United States Marine Corps in 1944.Īs you can view in the changelogs here, during most of 20, Easy Red 2 received at least an update a week, usually more. You will also be taken to Kos- the Greek island invaded by the Germans in 1943. On the European front, you will be taken to the shores of Anzio, Italy- working your way towards the bombed peaks of Monte Cassino. Fronts of WarIn Easy Red 2, you will be taken to both the European and Pacific fronts of the war. In this new version of Easy Red, we wrote everything from scratch to reach a quality of game mechanics and optimization to manage and graphical design that looks appealing yet also runs well on lower-end machines. About This Game Easy Red 2 is the game for those who know just what they want from a World War 2 shooter: simulation in weapons and mechanics, historical accuracy in battles, and expansive maps leaving room for large-scale infantry and vehicle combat alike.

For apple instal Find & Destroy: Tank Strategy